Tuesday, 30 October 2018


 Well  to do hawkers using saloon cars and pick up had taken over vegetable hawking in Nairobi slums and estate  taking over from the famous mama mboga.
Those days moving around the slum and on  road side you wiil come across  stationed pick up with fresh fruits and vegetables surrounded by buyers  due to its freshness
They sale at affordable price while fresh from the farm attracting many peoples given that one bundle is always free given that  three of them  coast ksh 10 shillings.
According to customers their  fruits and vegetables  are fresh and affordable while mama mbogas sale fruits and vegetables  which are not fresh but still the same sale the at expensive price
On there side  mama mboga  are worried that very soon they will be out of business because those young men are using new cars and pickup which they use to pick vegetables and fruits fresh from the farm.
 Those also affected are hawkers who use wheelbarrows  because they spend they day on hot sun and also have problem during rain period
 One of those high tech hawkers  said there major aim is to give Nairobians fresh vegetables worth there money in clean environment

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