Friday, 12 January 2018



Jan 9 (3 days ago)
to thenairobian

The deadldy ear worm which wa reported tobe destroying maize around the Country had been spoted in Nairobi County.
The worm nicknamed maize destroyer had been spoted in Nairobi Kibera Sub County were they had destroyed maize belonging to urban  farmers who had no knowledge about the deadly worm which is athreat to maize farmers in the Country.
The worm which was first spoted in early decembers had destroyed maize living farmers with no hope of recovery like it is traditional with other maize attackers within  this region.
Farmers who talked to meadia in Lanagata Langata sub County said  that unless  the little  non Nairobi  Urban Africultural Ministry act the worm maize spread to other areas newr Nairobi because nobody is not talking about it.
 The worm attacks maize at the base during it middle life dwestroying it compeley and that is why it had been nicknamed Maize destroyer.

Ilahaka francis

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