Wednesday, 8 November 2017

kenya oldest culture and music festival on


Nov 1 (7 days ago)
to info
The annual Kenya music and culture festival will take  place nest month from December 1 to 7 in Kakamega County according to organizers of the events dept of Culture
The events starts last week with workshops on County levels with Nairobi the organizers workshop at YMC which brought together top brash from the field who give there views on how to improve the events during this 21 century.
Like in the past  the festival will feature numerous class and bring together both Universities Colleges Schools and groups which will be presenting numerous items
 The festival is the lonely one in the Country which  gives primary School chance to  share  stage with University  students something which is not common with other festivals around the World
Kenya Music and Culture Festival is one of the biggest events in East and Central Africa mooted by colonial governments with the major objective of  allow  back and whites to share the stage and exchange culture views
During the leadership of Mzee Moi groups from others parts of the Country were invited to take  part in the events    this year it is not clear if groups had been invited
The festival which is likely going to attract numerous Culture lovers is in its 80 something and very soon it will mark its 100 years since establishment

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