Tuesday 13 January 2015


   Culture and Music lovers in the Country are worried about the way in which Kenya music and Culture festival is being managed .
Majority of them are worried that unless something   done they will have no platform of  promoting themselves given that Kenya music and culture festival is the  lonely plat form in the Country that bring together  both culture. dance and music groups together  to exchange views and learn from each other.
 Traditionally the events are supposed to start from  County levels and best groups booked there tickets to National level but currently there is no proper coordination especially  in Nairobi  County in which groups can been receiving direct tickets with the major objective of avoiding shame given that Nairobi had been the host venue for over 80 years
 Kenya music and Culture  festival is the oldest events in  East and Central Africa  founded by Colonial government with the major objective of promoting performing arts between  the Whites among the Whites, Asians and Africans those days, Whites used to perform and National Theater while the Africans and Asians venue was at Kariokor Social Hall and  Karoleni and best groups used to perform to colonial administrator
 The  festival was the only Culture events which went on smoothly during the second World war and  when   the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta took over he promoted the events the some to retired President Moi, but thing dramatically changed when Kibaki took  over which so the festival out of Kenyatta International Center.
 Since then the festival is no longer attractive with no guest performance from East Africa region something which music lo

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